
1  Introduction
 1.1  Objective of the Thesis
  1.1.1  From Integration Boards to System-on-Chip
  1.1.2  Simulation
  1.1.3  My Job
 1.2  The Virtual Socket Interface Alliance
  1.2.1  Intent
  1.2.2  Organization
2  Theory and Background
 2.1  Model Abstraction Levels
  2.1.1  A basic abstraction model
  2.1.2  Gajski-Kuhn chart
  2.1.3  The VSIA approach
 2.2  Model Interfaces
  2.2.1  Basic OMI Concepts
  2.2.2  OMI Information Model
  2.2.3  Execution Stages
 2.3  Model Verification
  2.3.1  Intent Verification
  2.3.2  Equivalence Verification
  2.3.3  Verification Test Suite Migration
  2.3.4  VC Verification versus Integration Verification
  2.3.5  Summary: Functional Verification Mapping
 2.4  Octopus
  2.4.1  Event Based Simulation with Octopus
  2.4.2  Execution Logic
  2.4.3  Octopus classification
  2.4.4  Octopus through OMI Eyes
 2.5  Summary of the Theory Part
3  Modeling and Implementation
 3.1  Modules Modeling
  3.1.1  Environment
  3.1.2  Analog-to-Digital Converter
  3.1.3  Pulse Width Modulator
 3.2  Simulink Interface for Octopus
  3.2.1  Simulink S-Functions
  3.2.2  Implementation
 3.3  Summary of the Practical Experience Part
4  Conclusion
  About Motorola
  CD-ROM Contents
  Tools and Applications used
  Glossary of Abbreviations