E&E Rote Couch

Interview about Energy Revolution, Simulation and Smart Grid at Electronica

Last week there was the Electronica Trade Fair in Munich, and we from MathWorks were there of course, to advise on all topics around computation, analog mixed signal design, simulation, embedded software, math helping the energy revolution. And for sure there are some conversations with journalists.

Video Interview about Energy Revolution, Simulation and Smart Grid

With Michael Brunn from E&E I had a chat about smart grid and energy revolution. We talked about the effects of the energy revolution on corporate development organizations, and why math and simulation are key to success of the energy revolution. As a nice, coincidence, a camera operator was present (who by the way is the head of the publisher as a side job), and so the conversation appeared in the series »Red Sofa« as video:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtbTi0FFNf0

A German version of this post is available (no German translation of the video, though).

The questions we discussed were the following:

  • What are from your point of view the main challenges in the smart grid and energy revolution?
  • Why is simulation of any importance for smart grids?
  • What can be simulated?
  • How can Simulink and MATLAB especially be useful for the development of smart grids?
  • Another aspect of your software is validation & verification. How can this be useful for smart grids?
  • Who should use your software in the energy industry and with what purpose?
  • Electronic vehicles are assumed to be also a part of the smart grid. How can simulation be used here?
  • What are your personal opinions about the smart grid and energy revolution? How will it develop within the next five to ten years?
You can get the full story including text version of my answers in the E&E article “You better not do trial and error with a grid”.

Technology Convergence – E&E Kompendium 2013

Besides that, Michael recently published the E&E Kompendium 2013, including my guest glossary on convergence of technologies. Read how different disciplines grow together in an increasing manner – not just in engineering and computer science, but as well with business science as well as physics, and what opportunities and challenges arise from that.

My opinion: The energy revolution begins and ends with the single engineer, with the single development project. Political will and decisions are important, but it’s put into reality by the work of engineers and computer scientists in Europe. With this opinion I was very pleased on Friday to read about European Commissioner for Environment Janez Potočnik in the VDI News: »our engineers can prepare the way to a more efficient use of energy, materials and other resources.« (VDI News Nr. 46, November 16, page 12). He said so while visiting the VDI centre for energy efficiency.

I am happy to live today and in Europe, and I am in the lucky place in my job at MathWorks to work with our users that drive those innovations. It is so energizing each week to experience what the companies in Europe manage to create.

(photo courtesy of Publish Industry)

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